Today's quote on the Drug War

Two disturbing statistics

Here's what we know for sure regarding the gateway theory:

1 Over 99% of those who never try marijuana will not become addicted to heroin.
2 Over 99% of those who do try marijuana will not become addicted to heroin.
— Pete Guither, Drug War Rant

Let me take this moment to tell you where I stand.

I do not support vice laws. I do support laws that punish people who hurt individuals.

I do not do drugs. I don't even drink. My family has a history of alcoholism, especially the men.

But there is no reason why my self-imposed restrictions should govern your behavior.

On the other hand, drive while DUI and cause an accident, I will cheerfully support making you pay through the nose.

I may be more sexually adventurous than some of you reading this. But there are people who are much more kinky than I am. None the less, people have the right to choose.

On the other hand, don't expect sympathy from me if you broke your marriage vows or lied to your partner. And if you force someone without their consent or seduce a minor, I might even support radical surgery on you to prevent it from happening again.

My philosophy is simple. Do what you want so long as you don't force anyone else. Cross that line and I will try to stop you. There are no other "moral" laws that I can support.


— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - July 10, 2006 at 05:51 AM  Tag

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