My simple plan to cut down on carbon, provide power, save the economy, lower taxes, and earn high profits"If I
had the money, I'd start a car company."
So I got an email complaining that I never give
any practical ideas for saving the
Here's one for your consideration. If I had the money, I'd start a car company. But I wouldn't begin with cars. No, I'd target long haul truckers. We know that there is no way under any foreseeable technology for the next 25 years that there would be a battery system that could support an 18-wheeler doing a cross country trip if the truck used electric motors. A while back I was reading that it was possible to build a nuclear reactor about the size of a refrigerator that you could bury in your back yard. So let's junk the batteries and start with that. Make it overpowered. Pair it with a flywheel system that could bleed off the extra power. Make it safe enough to withstand impacts and accidents. Replace as much of the transmission, gears, and braking with heavy duty electrical motors that you could so that the truck and it's APC ran from the sealed reactor and the flywheel. Now here's where the fun part comes in. The truck generates electricity whether it's moving or not. So when it's parked at a truck stop or at a warehouse or where ever, it's plugged into the power grid. The local utility pays the parking spot owner. The parking spot owner pays the truck owner. Bam! Reliable power. Money changes hands. Profit. No carbon. More important to me, no smelly diesel fumes. Think about those implications for just a moment. Whenever someone needs emergency power, they pay a truck driver to park for a while. With a little bit of work, city electrical grids could be designed to be isolated and run off of trucks instead of the central utilities. Once these electrical trucks have proven the concept, we add city buses and other large scale vehicles. Then we work on scaling the whole thing down to passenger vehicles. Same deal though. When the car is parked, it pumps power back into the grid. The overall effect to do away with most gasoline and diesel engines and let people earn cash with their cars. This would decentralize the power grid. Nearly everyone wins. Posted: Tue - June 23, 2009 at 01:41 PM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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