A few from the libertarians and individualists

Looking in the blogosphere for something other than the Right/Left statist solutions for the Katrina aftermath

These are some of the ones that have caught my eye. I am going to forgo my normal formatting for quotes.


Make no mistake. When New Orleans appeared out from under Katrina, it was mostly cosmetic damage. Lines down, roof shingles scattered and the normal aftermath of a good sized hurricane. It was annoying but it wasn't a disaster. What happened in the hours AFTER Katrina was a completely man-made catastrophe. It started years ago when people gladly accepted that the government can protect them.

Minarchist libertarians take notice of all this. Government does not keep us protected from the chaos of New Orleans. It's the missing hundreds of thousands of decent citizens that maintained control. The government is STILL operating! Only now you can plainly see it's a paperwork tiger as all government everywhere is. It was only by the mutual understanding of the good people of New Orleans that the city ran. We all live in Anarchy right now. We always have.

This was not a natural disaster – Margaret Giffis, Crash Landing


But to add insult to injury, to increase the deadly potentials of the situation and to make an untenable situation downright chaotic, the local, state and federal governments involved seem absolutely determined to plunge the whole region back into the Dark Ages.

What began as a severe humanitarian emergency has now metamorphosed into nothing less than politicians threatening American citizens with murder by American soldiers to make up for the fact that government wasn't ready or prepared to do the things that it has always claimed only government can do.

When it absolutely, positively must be screwed up overnight — Thomas Knapp, KN@PPSTER


I’m getting sick of the posturing and bottlenecking by FEMA and the federal government. Right now they need to get the hell out of the way if they can’t handle this, and get Red Cross and the dozens of charities in there to help. And get those hundreds of private airboaters being held up by FEMA, that are loaded with food and supplies, into New Orleans to help distribute aid and finish the rescue.

Because right now, the politicians, and FEMA in particular are failing, and their incompetence is getting people killed every day.

New Orleans Mayor Fuming over FEMAilure — Stephen Vandyke, Hammer of Truth

The easiest thing in the world for everyone to do is to make believe that the GOVMINT is just going to come along and fix everything back the way it was, quickly. Thats not going to happen. GOVMINT NEVER fixes anything quickly or below cost, but I’ve seen a lot of private contractors in my time that make the GOVMINT look good. The honest truth is that New Orleans wont get fixed without some kind of GOVMINT funding. It would be politically more rewarding for the party to assume the mantle of party members & candidates making sure taxpayer money is spent in a cost effective manner than to rail about how no GOVMINT funds will be used. We can rail at fantasies or support realistic solutions. The money will be spent, with our approval or without. Until we elect enough people to office so that we can change policy, it really doesnt matter what we SAY about this, does it? We will never be in a position to DO anything. This frees one from any sort of actual responsibility for ones actions and words, a marvelous tonic for the pure.

It’s also in the LP’s best interest to pressure for the longer term real solution to this natural disaster. Filling in the bowl that is New Orleans will not be easy, quick, or cheap. But it is the ONLY real solution. A “New” New Orleans filled in, in stages after pumping out the water, building around the existing downtown area to level with the water table, with new levees built for a Cat 5 monster storm, is the only way to go IF you believe that prevention of a future disaster similar to what has happened with Katrina is desirable. I do.

Fill In The Bowl, And Save New Orleans — Timothy West, Liberty for Sale

Before we buy into the FedGov "Here I come to save the day," we should give these some serious thought,

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - September 2, 2005 at 07:49 PM  Tag

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