Intelligent Design

Religion? What religion?

In this post, I gave my theory of how most of the "hot button" issues in public schools are caused by compulsory public schooling in the first place. I believe that the whole "intelligent design" debate proves that.

The real question isn't about evolution versus religion, but which belief system can be enshrined into law.

I have no problem with that...

...that we take Jason Pitzl-Waters' suggestion that we teach other creation stories. Mr Pitzl-Waters makes some good suggestions, but my personal suggestion would be Atum-Ra or Atum-Re. From some of the surviving statuary, it's a safe bet it wasn't was spit he was using. I would love to see parent's reaction when a public school teacher has to explain creation as an act of Divine masturbation.

That is the deal. If you are going to use the law to enforce your beliefs, you shouldn't be surprised when the law is used to suppress your beliefs later. Use the law as a tool of social change and that justifies ALWAYS using the law to force social change, no matter who is in power.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Sun - August 7, 2005 at 06:03 PM  Tag

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