Exceptions undermine the rule of lawIt doesn't matter who, excusing people from
following the law destroys the law
Here's one I know slipped off your radar (pun
How Elites Keep Their Private Planes Off the Radar. It seems like a blatant but minor exercise of privilege. So why am I bringing it up? Because exceptions undermine the uniform rule of law. The law is supposed to apply to everyone. But when a minority gets an exception for whatever reason, that means that the rest of the law is enforced more strictly. Now, you may think that I am attacking the powerful, but these days all sorts of people have all sorts of exceptions to all sorts of laws. It ranges from "too big to fail" to certain people being excused for racism because their skin happens to be a darker shade than the ones they attack. Why respect the law if you are going to be excused from it's consequences? What keeps an oppressive law off the books if there are exceptions made? It takes almost nothing to turn an exception into special privilege. It's almost impossible to rescind a special privilege once it is accepted. I have a simple solution, one that I wish would become law of the land. Whenever a legislature makes an exception to an existing law, that automatically voids the existing law. Think about it, we already know that if an exception is needed, it's a bad law. So why keep any of it on the books? Just think about the fun we could have with all the existing laws a regulations. All we'd have to do is find the exceptions and the whole law goes "poof!" Posted: Mon - April 19, 2010 at 12:54 PM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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