Shattering "reform"

McCain admits it, and I offer my own version of reform

I love this headline!

McCain says campaign finance reform is dead.

There's something that might make it better. Now what was it?

Oh yes. Arresting and prosecuting John McCain for treason. That was it.

Now that would be nice, but this makes a good first step.

Oh, and of course those who supported "campaign finance reform" say that now the elections will be controlled by those with the biggest bankroll.

You mean they haven't been?

This is what I would do.

No artificial persons could contribute to campaigns. This includes unions, guilds, corporations, political parties, and non-profits. No bundling.

A contribution would ONLY be legal if it came from a voter registered in that area. No one in Maine could contribute to a campaign in Montana. Someone registered in Arizona's first Congressional district couldn't legally contribute to a campaign in the second Congressional district.

All unused funds should be proportionately refunded to the donors no later than seven days after the election.

Oh, and one more little detail. It wouldn't be enforced against the donors. It would be enforced against the candidates. Anyone who accepted contributions that violated these rules would be barred from serving as either an elected official or an appointed agent for a time not less than the conclusion of the next term of office. So if you ran for the U.S. Senate and accepted a campaign contribution from out of state, you couldn't hold ANY government job for at least six years. Possibly twelve.

And yes, that would effectively outlaw political parties. Imagine that.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - January 25, 2010 at 07:18 AM  Tag

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