The President To Be (watch me laughing)

Perception be damned. It's just too funny watching the press conferences

What is it with Obama and all the flags on stage? I can't look at him without laughing. It's another version of wrapping himself in the flag. Not just once but over and over and over...

Or maybe of saying "Mine is bigger than yours." Is he overcompensating?

This business of press conferences from the "Office of the President Elect" is troubling. He's not President until January 20th, and he can't officially do diddley-squat until then.

At least he's not still a Senator.

I'm still going to call him "Imperious Leader". At least until his actions show he's worth something more.

Hey, I called Clinton "Billy-boy" (look closely at the lyrics). I called Bush the first "Shrubbery" ("Shrub" just wasn't pretentious enough). I don't think I ever really developed a nickname for Bush the second.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Tue - December 2, 2008 at 02:01 PM  Tag

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