Going to the people

Victor Davis Hanson tells how Palin scored

Victor Davis Hanson makes an important point that most of the media is deliberately overlooking.

Sophisticates would rather listen to the six-term Senator Biden suavely and masterfully mislead (on everything from the legislative responsibilities of the Vice President and confusion about Article I of the Constitution to Hezbollah in Lebanon) than to an honest and sincere Palin speak directly to the people. Everyone else would not.

So yes, Biden sounded the more impressive in terms of recall and facts, but it was the transitory experience of a mint that melts almost instantaneously — once you realize that almost all of the sweeping sweet assertions you just heard were, on reflection, simply untrue and so now gone and forgotten. The story today is an embarrassing fact-checking of Biden’s bombast to a far greater degree than is true of Palin’s assertions.

Listening to Biden was like hearing a probate lawyer who pounds you with facts and figures to convince you why his fee is larger than the size of the estate, expecting that you will leave the office reluctantly convinced, depressed, and broke, even as you realize that all his talents were put to no good use.

So the debate had the character of one of those 1940s “champ” fight movies, in which the deft, cocky and more refined puncher beats up — at the beginning — the nervous sweaty challenger with the far greater heart. A man with three decades in the Senate, who reminds us ad nauseam of where he was and what he has done almost every second, in theory should have easily won; but this simply did not happen, in part due to Palin’s charisma and Biden’s pontifications and distortions.

Palin and Biden were playing to different audiences, and I think Palin won.

Sarah Palin is the "everyperson" candidate. I don't agree with her, but the Republicans have invoked the myth that "anyone can be President." She's the one that will wedge the elections wide open. That's why Palin is important.

Me personally, I want "None of the Above."

Or maybe Kent McManigal. He's just as much an "everyperson" candidate as Palin, and he's a libertarian besides. Here's his site, BTW.

Under the present mess, you're only allowed a Republican or a Democrat. When both choices are bad, it's time to walk away.


— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - October 6, 2008 at 02:26 PM  Tag

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