Dean says bar the media

So much for the Fourth Amendment

I am beginning to get the feeling that some politicos want to do away with the campaign process altogether.

During the Mortgage Bankers Association conference, a banker expressed frustration with candidates who only talk in sound bites and wondered how that could be changed. Howard Dean, once a presidential candidate, offered a simple solution.

"I suggest you have candidates in to meetings like this and bar the press," Dean said.

The Democratic National Committee chairman criticized media coverage, arguing that networks such as CBS used to put content first and didn't mind losing money for the prestige of delivering a quality news report. Dean said the days of Walter Cronkite are gone and the corporatization of the media has led to a desire to boost profits.

The news has always been about profits and ratings.

But just who is going to tell the public what the candidates said if the press is barred?

Is it really about barring the media, or is it about barring the media that the candidates don't approve of?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - April 26, 2007 at 05:38 AM  Tag

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