Clinton sics lawyers on ABCThe former president wants CENSORSHIP
over the ABC film The Path
to 9/11
I look around and people still don't get it.
They do not realize what is at stake with
The Path to
It doesn't matter how accurate the film is. It doesn't matter who funded it. It doesn't matter who is advertising on it. It's about politicians CENSORING a show before it has even aired. And it goes on and on. The Democratic National Committee said it delivered a petition with nearly 200,000 signatures to ABC's Washington office urging the network drop its "right-wing factually inaccurate mocudrama." Former national security adviser Samuel R. Berger and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, whose depictions are at the center of the controversy, asked Thomas Kean, the Republican ex-governor of New Jersey who led the commission looking into the attacks, to use his influence with filmmakers to pull it. "You can't fix it," Berger said on CNN. "You gotta yank it." Remember, Sandy Berger took classified documents out of the National Archives, and just happened "accidently discard" some before returning the rest. There have also been allegations that Berger's version of the "CIA taking out bin Laden" story doesn't hold water (also here). Let's just say that I find Berger less than credible. As I said before, Madeleine Albright's objection isn't that the event didn't happen, it's that she didn't do it. But the topper came today, via Drudge. On Friday evening, Bill Clinton's lawyers sent a new letter to ABC chief Bob Iger demanding that ABC yank "The Path to 9/11." We've obtained a copy of the letter, and it reads in part: "As a nation, we need to be focused on preventing another attack, not fictionalizing the last one for television ratings. `The Path to 9/11' not only tarnishes the work of the 9/11 Commission, but also cheapens the fith anniversary of what was a very painful moment in history for all Americans. We expect that you will make the responsible decision to not air this film." Get that? The lawyers for the former president are demanding censorship. Freedom is at stake here. This is the very same activity that progressive activists expected from the Bush White House in the lead up to the 2004 election with Fahrenheit 9/11. They were drooling at the prospect, all set to roll out the parades and march on Washington. But the Bush White House didn't try to stop the Michael Moore film. And that brings us full circle with this new film. Regardless of the film's accuracy, regardless of it's merits, regardless of it's failures, it comes down to one simple thing. Democrat politicians do not want you to see the film and they are willing to use the force of law to stop it. That is censorship. Censorship can not be allowed in a free society. I do not like The Protocols of Zion, but I do not want the book banned. Birth of a Nation has a terrible political message, but it is a landmark film, it should not be destroyed. You can't "protect" good ideas by suppressing bad ones. Let people make their own choice. Posted: Sat - September 9, 2006 at 11:34 PM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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