Reporting the story but leaving out the name

Is there any doubt who I am talking about?

Just passing through for a minute.

I got an email from a reader asking why I didn't mention the name of the First Lady turned Senator when I have mentioned her name before.

It's a valid question.

I know how part of her operation runs. Her staff scours the internet looking for direct mention of her name so they can get a fast read on the public reaction.

This isn't the first trial balloon she has used since her husband has left office. Most of them weren't that important, so I ignored them. But this is a major news story, even if it hasn't been reported that way.

There are certain topics where this blog turns up at the top of any search engine results. She's not one of them, and I refuse to contribute to her maneuvering when her campaign pulls one of these things.

She represents the kind of back room machine politics that this country would be better off without. She certainly helped move the decision making away from the official Democrat party and into a bunch of fund raising groups and consultants.

In short, she's not accountable.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Sun - September 3, 2006 at 02:59 PM  Tag

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