Making a mockery of lawOnly illegal immigrants can get away with
breaking the law
Thomas Sowell delivers.
There is probably no category of law-breakers -- from counterfeiters to burglars or from jay-walkers to murderers -- who can all be found and arrested. But no one suggests that we must therefore make what they have done legal. Such an argument would suggest that there is nothing in between 100 percent effective law enforcement and zero percent effective law enforcement. The reverse twist on this argument is that suddenly taking 12 million people out of the labor force would disrupt the economy. No one has ever said -- or probably even dreamed -- that we could suddenly find all 12 million illegal immigrants at once and send them all home immediately. This is another straw man argument. The real question is what we do with whatever illegal aliens we do find. Right now, there are various communities around the country where local officials have a policy of forbidding the police from reporting illegal immigrants to federal authorities. Why are people who are so gung ho for punishing employers so utterly silent about needing to punish government officials who openly and deliberately violate federal laws? Employers, after all, are not in the business of law enforcement. If some guy who runs a hardware store or a dry cleaning business hires someone who shows some forged documents, why should the employer be fined for not being able to tell the difference, when government officials who can tell the difference are not doing anything -- or are even actively obstructing federal laws? Since 1985 every single change in immigration law has been designed to reward law-breaking by illegal Mexican immigrants. Is it any surprise that the number of illegal Mexican immigrants has exploded? Giving away amnesty and benefits without sealing the border will just invite more people to abuse the system. Why is this so difficult for politicos to understand? Why is the United States intent on rewarding one kind of criminal behavior but wants to punish others? Posted: Wed - May 24, 2006 at 04:54 AM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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