A progressive True Believer™They aren't all Christian, Evangelical,
or Republican.
Evan Coyne Maloney got to deal with his own example of a True
Believer™ over at Brain Terminal. I'm not quoting Mr. Maloney here, but
rather the person who sent him
Consider the following hypothetical scenario .... a small group of gay and lesbian activists come to a small very religious town and start making speeches and broadcasting sentiment that condemns evangelical Christians for nothing more than being evangelical and christian....while this goes on they pass out leaflets that state un-categorically that God hates evangelical Christians because they engage in un-natural cannibalistic practices every Sunday.....Cannibalism hasn't been socially acceptable for thousands of years and only the most savage and primitive of peoples today practice it (or so the fliers would say) and those who still eat human flesh ought to be wiped off the face of the earth for the good of all mankind. After making their speeches and passing out their leaflets the group then proceed to hold a noisy protest/rally on the steps of the nearest big church in town. While they are there they form an effective block of the entrance and nobody can get in or out of the Church until they leave. That's a rather extreme hypothetical scenario I'm sure you would agree but these are extreme times and the scenario's events were intended to be as offensive to you as the Evangelicals visit to San Francisco was to us. If such a thing should ever take place in small town America what kind of reaction do you think they might receive from the town if/when they came back the next year to do the same thing? How about the third year? There would be blood shed and it wouldn't take long either. You know it and I know it and it's typical of Christian tolerance or others and good will towards man. Notice that we have several signs that this is indeed a True Believer™, the sanctimonious righteousness, the condescending attitude over all who fail to recite the dogma properly, and the unflagging desire to meddle with other people. And what makes that different than the average libertarian? Well, that's a good question. In my case (because that is all I can speak for), I'd rather leave people alone. The problem is, they don't want to leave me alone. I have to say, I'm not a Christian but I have to question the thinking behind the situation that prompted Mr. Maloney's original post. Fortunately Mr. Maloney's other readers don't agree with the first writer. Posted: Mon - May 1, 2006 at 04:55 AM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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