The Supreme Court and religion

The government doesn't need to be protected from religion, religion needs to be protected from government.

Here's a worthwhile one from Richard W. Garnett.

Our Constitution separates church and state not to confine religious belief or silence religious expression, but to curb the ambitions and reach of governments. The point of the First Amendment is not to "put religion in its place," but instead to protect religion by keeping the government "in its place." The Amendment's Establishment Clause is not a sword, driving private religious expression from the marketplace of ideas; rather, it is a shield that constrains government precisely to protect religiously motivated speech and action.

The whole church and state issue in one paragraph.

The main purpose of the U.S. Constitution is to protect individuals from government. It does not enumerate freedoms, it carefully defines and limits powers.

Of course the question is if those limits will be adhered to, or if over time government will assume more and more power at the cost of individual liberty.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - January 23, 2006 at 05:08 AM  Tag

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