Christian Eagles

Delaware parents in an uproar over a Christian assembly at a public shool

There is nothing wrong with this IF it was not done at a public school assembly and IF the students could choose whether to be there or not.

I'm curious to know if talking points were actually provided to the school. This article certainly makes it sound like the principal knew what was going to be said. If that is so, it certainly makes his apology suspect.

I've nothing against Christianity, I just don't think it should be spoonfed to a captive audience of teenagers.

Especially since I know that if I went to a public school assembly to talk about my faith and beliefs, certain Christians would practically riot.

Better that discussions of religion are kept out of the public schools.

Better still that there are no public schools at all and that parents could choose a school that reflected their values, but that is another post.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - October 27, 2005 at 05:31 PM  Tag

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