Has democracy died?

The United States Supreme Court has removed the basis for modern law and commerce. Can democracy in the U.S. survive?

Now, I could quote Benjamin Franklin or tell you a story of Davey Crockett or do any of a thousand other things that a million other commentators and blogs are doing.

I'm not going to do that though.

I'm not here to tell you what happened and why it is bad. You already know that, you've already read about it, you don't need me to tell you.

I will tell you that above everything else, the U.S. Constitution is a promise of liberty. It is a contract limiting the powers of government without limiting the freedoms of the people. If the government doesn't choose to recognize the rights of the people that are superior to the powers of the government, then the government should be replaced.

Now I know the conservatives are blaming the liberals. There is something to that, if liberals and progressives had not warped the rule of law in pursuit of their political agendas, there probably wouldn't be justices on the bench that ignore the spirit and letter of the law.

I know that liberals blame conservatives. There is something to that, if conservatives had not warped the the rule of law to enshrine their morals, there probably wouldn't be justices that ignore justice in the name of some nebulous right.

Yep, I blame both major parties.

But I do want to make one point. Government is not looking out for your interests. Let me repeat that.

Government is not looking out for your interests.

That is very important to remember. Government is interested in expanding power. That is it. There is no looking out for the little guy or for business interests or for anything else.

All this "eminent domain" decision does is codify one simple principle. Government is for sale. Anything that gives government more power is likely to pass. It is not a Republican thing. It is not a Democrat thing.

It is a FedGov thing. It is a StateGov thing. It is a CountyGov thing. It is a CityGov thing.

Government can't be trusted.

People can be trusted, but not government.


— NeoWayland

Posted: Tue - June 28, 2005 at 05:24 AM  Tag

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