Very telling

A graph shows the breakdown of spending, according to the CBO

I still say the war in Iraq was necessary, although it certainly could have been handled better.

As far as Afghanistan, we didn't handle that one very well at all. Still, we've been hearing about the terrible costs and how that has made the economic problems worse.

Via TJICistan and Instapundit comes this chart from American Thinker.

Now I will be the first to admit that one chart doesn't prove anything.

It does mean we should take a closer look though.

Especially when the current administration keeps revising economic figures every few months.

TJICistan had it exactly right. "Keep the legions, cut the bread and circuses."

There will be time to fix the military later when we're sure there's a nation left.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - August 23, 2010 at 02:34 PM  Liberty Tag

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