Tea Party Aftermath - Government failed, and it's destroying the futureWill the protesters be satisfied? Or
does liberty still stand a chance?
"Tax day" protests have a long and honorable
history in the United States. Geography and time worked to limit my involvement
in this one, but there were some other things
One question actually. What happens next? I knew that much of the media would treat the Tea Party protests as an aberration, something unusual propagated by ignorant yokels and slathering conservative radio talk show hosts. I also knew that the media would miss the main story, the REALLY IMPORTANT BIT that wasn't immediately obvious. You see, for years, decades even, most local protests have been organized by the out-of-towners, the national groups pursuing a national or international agenda. It didn't really matter what the cause was, global warming, anti-globalization, the Olympics, free speech, saving the rainforests, freeing Tibet. Most protests haven't been about accomplishing anything, they've been about Showing Suitable Concern™. Intentions and empathy matter more than problem solving. It's all about the victimhood. Finally, a lot of protests have been used as the opening position in political negotiation. "Pay attention to us or we'll riot in the streets." So in the marching orders to dismiss the "Teabag" protests, the media missed the REALLY IMPORTANT BIT. The Tea Party Protests weren't about any of that. People have become frustrated with the institution of government. It wasn't about being anti-Democrat. The Tea Parties were self-creating, self-organizing, and hopefully only the first step. It's not about taxes and it's not about spending. It's about institutional failure. Government failed, and it's destroying the future to expand it's power. Remember that when people like me tell you KYFHO. Government. Failed. And it's destroying the future. So my concern is what happens next. Even assuming that the Imperious Leader could afford to recognize the Tea Parties as "legitimate protests," the standard operating procedure in these cases would be to have a photo op with the Official Protest National Leaders and throw a few scraps to show that the Government Genuinely Cares. But always in exchange for something else. "Well, we might not raise taxes this year, but we want Universal Health Care. If we support you, can you support us?" And that is how it begins. That's how liberty is sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. "Well, we won't spend as much this year as we said we might, but we really need to Control Those Pesky Guns. Can we count on your help?" Notice that this year qualifier. That means that everything is open for re-negotiation next year. But the politicos will still hold you to your promises on the freedoms that you willingly gave up last year and this year. Meanwhile, you've nothing left to negotiate. You gave it all away. So what does happen next? Will the Tea Party protesters settle for visibility? Will they settle for a Televised Public Gesture in exchange for temporary restraint? Do they want to be "part of the system?" I don't. I think "the system" will collapse of it's own weight. And I am willing to pull Liberty from the stinking, rotting corpse of "the system." My liberty and freedom are mine because I am human, not because of what some government functionary deigns to grant me to please his masters. KYFHO - Now and Forever. It's the Free Market Rebellion. It's your choice and mine. Posted: Thu - April 16, 2009 at 07:08 AM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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