"...who controls the language controls the culture"

Anarchist blogger calls it like it is

Wise words from The Anarchist Flamethrower.

See the context here? Only idiots (i.e. those "libertarian types"), don't see and understand that the need for a mini-police state at every airport and border crossing is an unhappy, but absolutely necessary, condition of modern life, however sad this may be.

And so the slagging continues. Just remember; who controls the language controls the culture. Remember that the next time Keith Olberman, John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Al Franken and the rest of the currently popular and trendy political funnymen rip on Bush and the Republicans. They are all just as ready and willing to slag any "crazy notions" about liberty, economics or politics, that you may have or yearn for, as they are as to trash the current targets of opportunity in the White House.

The State is your friend, just ask the Democrats. But only as long as they are in control.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - January 12, 2007 at 03:08 PM  Tag

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