Right on target

A liberty blogger takes on the National Rifle Association

ShadowMonkey takes on the NRA for it's failures.

Their conspicuous lack of action and/or commentary on the trampling of other rights guaranteed to us reminds me too much of the herd-like mass of citizenry here in the United States who choose to disregard the forest of oppressive and manipulative government policies as long as their own solitary tree is not actually being cut down.

The NRA, like the rest of the country, needs to realize that the guaranteed freedoms spelled out in the Bill of Rights do not stand alone. They are all interdependent. They work as a whole to protect against oppression by our government.

I am a strong believer in, and practitioner of, our right, as American citizens, to keep and bear arms. I am saddened, though, by the NRA's apparent disregard for protection of rights other than those of gun ownership, and by their standing silently by while a Republican-controlled Congress wiped their asses with the Constitution and waited until Democrats gained Congressional control to make some noise. Such action reeks of politicizing what should be above party politics: the preservation of our guaranteed rights.

He's right.

Can't have freedom of speech without the right to bear arms. Can't have freedom of the press without the right to a jury trial. Take away one and you weaken them all.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - January 12, 2007 at 05:29 AM  Tag

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