"Blue-State Fascism"

A columnist looks at what a liberal controlled Congress will mean

James Leroy Wilson nails it.

Long before the Conservative Movement betrayed conservative values, "Liberalism" went through a similar abandonment of liberal values in at least three key areas. First, liberalism's commitment to individual liberty was replaced by "democracy," the idea that government can do anything it wants as long as it reflects the will of "the people." Yet their idea of democracy is a farce: centralized bureaucracy is favored over community action, and decrees by federal judges are favored over the will of elected representatives. Laws passed by representatives who represent 600,000 to millions of people are favored over laws passed by representatives who represent one-tenth, one-twentieth, or one percent as many people in the states. To the modern liberal, national majorities are enlightened and progressive, whereas local majorities are stupid and tyrannical. Government isn't the problem, as long as the "right people" are in charge.

The second key betrayal is that Liberalism ceased caring about the interests of the middle and lower classes, and embraced "diversity" instead. Genuine civil rights - equal rights and equal freedom under the law – have always been a part of the liberal program. But instead of encouraging policies that would increase the number of jobs and thus the wages of workers of all races, sexes, and sexual preferences, liberals focused on making more laws and regulations that could only stymie job growth and close the door on opportunity for workers of all races and ethnicities. Instead of promoting the common interests of the lower classes, liberals have been more concerned with identity-group politics...

Go read the whole thing. There is nothing I can really add to it.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Tue - December 19, 2006 at 12:18 PM  Tag

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