First Amendment? No, it's a tax issue!In the US, churches and non-profits are
"banned" from discussing candidates and political parties. But only if they
wish to stay exempt from the law.
Wren's Nest linked to this article.
Hovering ominously above the debate are the dreaded IRS agents who have vowed to enforce the section of the tax code that prohibits all tax-exempt charitable organizations, including churches, from participating or intervening in any political campaign for or against any candidate. But what constitutes “intervening” — short of saying vote for candidate X or support the Y party? IRS rules allow churches to speak out on political issues and permit voter registration and education efforts. But exactly when do those activities become “partisan” in violation of the tax code? I replied to it here. The article (and many of the posters at WN) misses the point. It's not a free speech issue. It never was. Tax exemption is part of the "devil's bargain" that churches and non-profit organizations cut with the government. "Play nice, follow the rules, and we'll give you bribes." To me, the real issue is the uniform rule of law. If a law is on the books, it should apply to everyone, no exceptions. Many large companies are exempt from sales tax because they are a "government contractor." Other companies get property tax exemptions because they have large physical plants that employ many people. Sports teams get exemptions for their stadiums. "Megachurches" get tax exempt status, while small groups run out of someone's home do not. It's not a matter of who gets the tax exemption status. Or even a matter of who bought into the crooked deal. Exemption from the law came at a cost. In this case, keeping quiet about specific candidates and parties. That gives government control over those churches and non-profits. Same deal with the "faith based initiative" money. Sure, government will provide funding. But only if government gets control. It doesn't matter if "your party" is in the majority. All that money depends on the political wind, which can blow against you just as easily as it can blow for you. "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." Robert Heinlein said it, and it has become the libertarian mantra TANSFAAFL. Every single exemption from the law, every single little favor, each has it's own cost to your liberty. I've compared it to the Godfather movies. "If I do this favor for you, one day you will be asked to do me a favor." Are you willing to pay? Posted: Mon - October 2, 2006 at 10:21 PM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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