How do we seperate the thugs from the good cops?

Without accountability, what will keep the bad cops in line?

Radley Balko has a brief roundup of police officers who have abused their powers and gotten away with it.

Thanks to the decision in Hudson v. Michigan (and a long line of cases before that), police officers are shielded from the consequences of their actions. This wouldn't be a factor if all police officers were total professionals. Or as Justice Scalia put it:

"Another development over the past half-century that deters civil-rights violations is the increasing professionalism of police forces, including a new emphasis on internal police discipline."

Unfortunately, we're seeing more and more evidence that not only are the police becoming more militarized, but many officers escape the consequences of their actions when abuses do occur. We can't rely on the professionalism of police officers to keep them honest and law abiding. Excused from responsibility, more and more will abuse their trust. That is true for ANY profession.

So, here is today's question. When the agents of the state can not be trusted and are not accountable, what should a citizen do?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Wed - September 6, 2006 at 07:28 AM  Tag

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