The New Boston Tea Party

Is this an alternative to politics as usual?

I'm not a fan of political parties. They limit freedom while shutting everyone except "the Chosen" out of the decision. Frankly, the Libertarian Party never has thrilled me.

That is why I am happy to see Thomas Knapp's Boston Tea Party .

What the Boston Tea Party started out as was a cool name (and a lucky domain name snatch) in search of a purpose. Over time, the definition has evolved into something like this:

"The Boston Tea Party is an attempt to prove that libertarian 'purism' is compatible with organizational big-tentism and with an incremental political approach."

One of my goals was putting an end to perpetual platform fights, and that goal was easily realized: The party's platform is the "World's Smallest Political Platform," and the interim bylaws specify that neither it, nor the relevant bylaws article, can be amended.

The platform is "purist" in that it plainly prohibits the party from supporting any increase in the size, scope or power of government, at any level, or for any purpose, and in that it proposes no "end state" for its advocacy of reductions in same. In other words, it accomodates all possible end states from "less government than we have now" to "anarchist or minarchist libertopia."

Worth a shot.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - July 6, 2006 at 05:10 AM  Tag

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