Above the law and without oversight

Police officers names kept confidential

The Los Angeles Police department no longer releases the names of officers involved in shootings.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Police Commission sent mixed signals today about its new policy of withholding the names of officers involved in shootings, as it affirmed the policy adopted in secret last year with a formal, public vote. The panel's president, John Mack, defended the action, saying it was required by law.

The commission acted amid an outcry from critics who complained that the panel, whose mandate is to provide public oversight over the LAPD, was making it more difficult for the public to assess the actions of officers and was ending a policy that has governed the release of officers' identities for 25 years.

In Los Angeles, the Police Commission had released the names of officers involved in shootings since 1980, a practice embraced by the public after the controversial killing by LAPD officers of a South Los Angeles woman in 1979. Since then, the actions of LAPD officers involved in shootings have frequently been the object of intense public interest — although police officers have routinely objected to being identified.

The change in commission policy was made during a closed-door meeting Dec. 13. The five-member civilian panel, which functions much like a corporate board for the Police Department, sets standards and oversees operations in conjunction with Chief William J. Bratton.

Oh my. Change in policy made during a closed door meeting. Can you say avoiding accountability?

I knew you could.

Seriously though, I want to know that the police are individually held responsible. I don't live in Los Angeles, but considering their record over the last forty years, this would worry me if I lived there.

Hat tip to The Agitator.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - April 24, 2006 at 04:39 AM  Tag

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