V thoughts

The anarchy is missing

Sunni from Sunni Maravilliso and the Conspirators tells what she thinks about V for Vendetta and some of the reviews that have been bouncing around.

Unlike me, she has read the book and seen the film. She also sums up several other reviews.

This bit was telling though.

There's been some interesting conversation regarding whether the movie is Alan Moore's story. Wally Conger, in the first comment at that Liberty and Culture link, asserts that it is; I offer my differing opinion there as well. I think Scott Bieser says it best, short of anything coming directly from Alan Moore, in V for Vaseline. While the film is powerful as is, I don't think it can rightly be called Moore's story without the anarchism foundation. And that's entirely absent in the film (I view the robber yelling about anarchy as more a nod to the Sex Pistols song than to Moore's story).

Seems like more than one libertarian has noticed that the anarchy has been taken out of the film.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Wed - March 22, 2006 at 03:17 PM  Tag

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