The Worst Case test

One of my infamous rules of thumb

When it comes to debate about expanding government power, I have a simple test that I ask people to think about.

Imagine the person you are most politically opposed to. It could be Roy Moore, it could be Hillary Clinton, it could be Ann Coulter, it could be Al Franken. Just pick the one person who you would most hate having in the White House.

Imagine that person elected President.

Not only elected President, but with a two thirds majority in both houses of Congress.

Now, would you trust that person with the power that you want to give the government? Do you trust them NOT to abuse that power? Because of the goodness of their heart?

And if you don't trust them with that power, why should anyone trust your candidate with the same power?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Tue - December 20, 2005 at 06:59 PM  Tag

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