Expanding the PATRIOT Act to go after methIt's only natural, considering the major
parts of the PATRIOT Act drifted around Washington for decades as proposals for
the War on Drugs
Jerry Seper reports in the Washington
A conference report by Senate and House negotiators to extend for four years provisions of the USA Patriot Act includes a comprehensive anti-methamphetamine package restricting the sale of products containing ingredients needed to cook the drug and providing new tools to police and prosecutors to combat dealers. Sens. Jim Talent, Missouri Republican, and Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, said the Combat Meth Act -- together with anti-meth measures championed in the House -- were included in the Reauthorization Conference Report filed Thursday. Mr. Talent and Mrs. Feinstein worked with leaders in both parties to push for the legislation, which is expected to be debated this week. The proposal, passed unanimously by the Senate, also includes treatment funding to help those affected by meth. Law-enforcement authorities said meth use nationwide has increased by as much as 300 percent in the past decade. "The Combat Meth Act is the toughest anti-meth bill ever considered by the Congress, and it will help people in neighborhoods all across Missouri and the country who are threatened by meth," Mr. Talent said. Mrs. Feinstein said the legislation "strikes a blow" against an ongoing meth epidemic. "The heart of this legislation is a strong standard for keeping pseudoephedrine products out of the hands of meth cooks," she said. "There were some who wanted to water down this legislation, but Senator Talent and I stood firm." Can you say mission creep? Can you say self-righteous force without regard for the consequences? We libertarians get tired of pointing out history. Banning alcohol during Prohibition led to increased crime rates, an increased prison population, increased violence on the streets, the rise of organized crime, and and an increase in recreational alcohol use. During the Drug War, crime has increased, the prison population has increased, violence on the streets has increased, organized crime has risen again, and recreational drug use has increased. There is no difference. Let me say that again. There is no difference between Prohibition and the War on Drugs. Both have had SERIOUS social consequences far beyond any crime that each was supposed to "prevent." And those consequences have been exactly the same. All that happened was that something was removed from the legitimate free market where it could be sold at a pittance and taxed to a black market where it can't be controlled and quality can't be guaranteed. All that is happening is that some self-appointed busybodies have decided that THEIR moral standards should apply to everyone. Yet those same busybodies would scream if I insisted that Islamic dietary law should apple to everyone. Now as it happens, I do agree that DUI laws should be enforced, although I will quibble about the percentage that marks the magic "intoxicated" level. But I do not think that government has any business regulating the availability of drugs. Yes, drugs should do what they promise and there should be a reasonable expectation of safety when the drugs are used as directed. And yes, drug companies should be able to benefit from their patents. But there is no need for any other drug regulation. Period. As it is, we have an ever expanding list of "controlled" substances. And now doctors can't even give "too much" pain medication. Remember, this nonsense is paid for by your tax dollars because Congressmen are insecure about being re-elected. They should be insecure. And just in case you are wondering, mandatory drug testing and cigarette taxes are also a part of the deal. Can Tylenol be far behind? Posted: Tue - December 13, 2005 at 04:48 AM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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