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![]() Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. ![]() My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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The News Right Now Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run Sunni Maravillosa and the Conspirators Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of... Lady Liberty's Constitution Clearing House Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
no authority Center for a Stateless Society
Tammy Latino Issues: A Conservative Blog
The Nation
Papers, Please!
Letter from Hardscrabble Creek
You Are Not Alone A Big Idea from Eject! Eject! Eject! Fully Informed Jury Association World's Smallest Political Quiz Animated Introduction to the Philosophy of Liberty Institute for Liberty and Democracy
World of Ends 60 Second Refutation of Socialism, While Sitting at the Beach from Coyote Blog
World Religions - Religious Forums Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Who links to me? NeoBlogs
2008 2009 2010 Featured from the Archives
True Believer Rant
My take on true believers of all stripes.
A Pagan looks at "Christian America"
Freedom of speech
Faith worthy of freedom
The devil is in the details
Public School Monopoly
Fresh meat or dry bone shards?
The many headed hydra of the government
Presumed guilty until proven innocent
Some things I have learned
Why I MARGINALLY prefer conservatives over liberals
Who decides?
And justice for all?
Christian America Redux - The Ten Commandments Controversy
Global Warming
Should we waste money from your pocket or mine? - Updated
Same thing only better with new management
Dreaming of liberty
Law for the little guy
Liberty, the internet, and the free market
Individual or collectivist?
Victims and paying for bad choices
Private sector or public sector?
Judging a book by it's cover
Blogs and information channels
Spirit of New Orleans
Forget the energy initiative
Playing the game
Judge bars mother from child based on religion
Did you know? "Freedom of speech" means some things are off-limits
I do not trust in the wisdom of governments
The distraction begins
Politics and sex appeal
A Pagan looks at the "War Against Christians"
Attacking sex
Congress trots out amnesty for illegals
Faith Based Initiative
Earth Day - Attacking global warming "theories"
Refuting The Age global warming "proof"
Free market ignorance
New digital copyright law
Oil company profits in perspective
High crimes and misdemeanors
Special exemptions
More on immigration
Loyalty day
Latest banners
Students protest McCain as commencement speaker
Telecom companies want Federally enforced monopoly over content
Bush's speech
What's-his-name is right
Hot air from Mr. Gore
John McCain invokes Jim Crow
Through the cracks with Medicare
The new liberal evangelicals
Congress blocks freedom of speech
Drawing the line
The costs of Congress
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Views and opinions expressed in Guest Articles do not necessarily reflect those of NeoWayland. Content from other sources is quoted under the fair use laws of the United States with clear reference to the source material. Unless otherwise noted, all other content at : If your web browser does not show one of these addresses, then this page being used without permission of the author. The views expressed by NeoWayland are his own and do not represent any other enity. NeoWayland freely accepts individual and sole responsibility for his words and actions. XML/RSS Feeds