Senators Obama and McCain are religious bigots - UpdatedTo court the Christian vote, they ignore
history and slap all non-Christian Americans
I wanted to deal with this whole "Christian
America" thing AGAIN.
Despite what John McCain and Barak Obama have claimed, the United States is not a Christian nation. I've dealt with this before in depth, and I am not going to rehash the details. The basic proof is obvious. The U.S. Constitution does not place power in a Supreme Deity, despite common government practice of the day. I am still amazed that anyone who calls themselves a United States Senator has no understanding of history. By claiming that the United States is Christian, they also imply that other belief systems only exist in this country by the kind permission of the nice Christians. Permission that can be revoked if we non-Christians get too uppity. Let me put it on the line. A person doesn't have special merit and privileges because they are Christian any more than they would because they are Pagan. My rights do not exist at the sufferance of Christians. Rights and freedoms exist because I am human, not because someone decided to grant me a favor. Start making the distinction today, and tomorrow it will be the various Christian sects fighting each other over who has the Truth™. How do I know this? History tells me so. It's happened at least as far back as Constantine. And if you want to get technical, Christianity started as a Jewish heresy. Of course, there is still the question if Pauline Christianity has anything to do with "real" Christianity, but I am not going to get into that here. I will point out that Christians have traditionally fought each other over the True Way™ much more than they have fought the unbelievers. It's only when a nation was founded that DID NOT grant religion and faith power over government that things changed. That wasn't exactly a "Christian" principle, was it? If I keep saying it, maybe enough people will accept it. The only way you can keep government out of your faith is by keeping it out of everyone else's too. Oh, and you wouldn't be hearing about this at all except that there is a Presidential election coming up. While the politicos are all to willing to say the "right" things for votes, they aren't about to invite the hard core evangelists to policy meetings. That is one of the biggest objections to President Bush, and I can't see the next Administration repeating that mistake soon. Posted: Tue - October 9, 2007 at 02:45 PM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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