Broken PromisesThis may be the last time we have to go
through this
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
I'm here to tell you it's official. My young friends will be back from their Washington trip tomorrow, and we have a new President. Which means that I can criticize him again without being called a racist. Watch for dissent, ladies and gentlemen. That's how we know that democracy is still alive and kicking. But some of our institutions are dying. Good. We need We have a Speaker of the House who is calling for higher taxes even as a recession shakes the economy. We have a President who stated in his inaugural that there is no acceptable solution that does not include a much bigger government. We have a Democrat Party whose idea of fairness is to regulate talk radio. We have a Republican Party whose idea of bipartisanship is to abandon all pretense of conservatism. And we have a Libertarian Party who years ago decided that Republican Lite was the better path. I'm here to tell you that we have a crisis, but it is not the crisis that the politicos are selling. Yes, the economy is in a mess. But it was caused by government actions. Remember that. Government has a long history of promising the Moon and delivering failure. In fact, that is a great place to start. On July 20, 1969, an American spacecraft landed on the Moon. Today it's almost forty years later. Two generations have passed. Where's the Moonbase? Where are the orbital spaceyards? Where are the asteroid miners? Why did we go to the Moon… and stop? There is one dirty word that tells it like it is. Government. Let me tell you why the free market works. It's not that it guarantees the best solution immediately, it's that over time, competition will create more choices that are better and cheaper. Otherwise the companies will go out of business. If Henry Ford had had his way, we'd all still be buying Model Ts. Retooling the lines for Model As almost bankrupted the company, but it was the only way to compete with companies like GM, who not only had many different models but was toying with the notion of introducing a new model every year. If Donald Trump had a stake in space travel, I can promise that there would be a huge luxury space station up there right now. It may not be everything he promised to get it built, but it would be there now with other developers scrambling to get something there. That's the thing you see. Government will promise the perfect solution and take years to put something half-assed together that barely works. Take Social Security. It was never intended to be the "primary" retirement program, but merely by existing it has driven almost all other options away. It's had I don't know how many overhauls (at least five during my lifetime), but it's still going to run out of cash in 2020. Take Medicare. Good luck if you have a long term condition, because the system is designed to boot you out within a year. Take alternative energy. Do you see anything? Yet that has been a major theme of government since the 1970s. Take education. Do you think it's working? Here's what government doesn't want you to know. Government will always promise the optimized solution someday. Government will always blame the private sector for not producing the best solution yesterday. Here's the secret to the free market. Someone can sell it to you today. Someone can make it a little better tomorrow. Someone can do it cheaper next week. Next year, you'll pay less for something that does more. How do I know this? Because it has worked every single time it is tried. Think about that for just a moment. Every. Single. Time. From milk to radios to flower seeds. The one thing we know without a doubt that can deliver a better cheaper product is the free market. The one thing we know without a doubt that can screw it up is government intervention. Think about that. And then think about what Obama the Grand and Glorious Imperious Leader promised in his speech. He's already telling people that he's going to break campaign promises. Watch the institutions fall and the American Spirit rise. Posted: Thu - January 22, 2009 at 03:55 PM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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