ILLEGAL immigration

We need to recognize the bigotry and the problems

Kirsten over at Enjoy Every Sandwich has an interesting take on the bigotry in the debate on illegal immigration.

"Both" sides.

Mostly I have been pleased as punch to see kids taking a fairly principled stand on a high visibility social issue, taking some fairly big risks as far as consequences to themselves to do that, and doing it all peacefully. But as with the Minuteman group, I was extremely disgusted to see bigotry cropping up. I can't find a picture of this at this point- I saw it on the news. And I hope that this was just an anomalous sentiment not widely shared among protesters.

Amidst the footage of local kids marching in Tucson, I saw a sign that read, "Chicanos rule!" You know what I say? Fuck that shit. Fuck this idea that one human being has the right to run some other peaceful person's life for her or him. You want your rights to be respected? Great! I support that. But I do NOT support merely flipping an unjust balance of power from one side to another. And certainly not based on accidents of birth such as ethnicity or nationality. That sentiment puts that kid in the same camp as Chris Simcox in my mind.

And all of this reminds me why mass marches and that sort of thing are tools suited to collectivists and don't work out so well for individualists. When people gather together en masse to make a big show for a particular cause, they are voluntarily saying "We agree on this." But then someone or other will bring issues X, Y, and Z into the mix and then the entire group gets painted with the same brush with respect to those issues as well.

I have to say that I agree with the lady.

The libertarian in me wants those borders thrown wide open. But the American in me is disgusted with the anti-Americanism that the protests demonstrate, the criminal elements that are using the immigration dispute to cover their activities, and the Mexican government for encouraging their people to break the law in the United States while maintaining extremely firm control of it's own immigration policy.

Not to mention the American lawmakers and law enforcers who are only too willing to take draconian action against everyone EXCEPT illegal Mexican immigrants.

I don't have any good solutions, at least not short term ones.

I do think that we need to enforce our borders, at least long enough to get through this mess and the war on terror. That is going to mean offending some people.

Ah well.

Without border enforcement, the only two alternatives that I see are surrendering totally and accepting that nothing is ever going to be done about illegal immigration, so we might as well bend over and accept the experience. Or annexing Mexico and adding stars to the flag. Neither of which is really acceptable.

The thing is we're really dealing with more than one group of people. We have legal immigrants. We have illegals who don't want anything more than a chance to provide for their family. We have illegals who want to milk the American system for everything it has got. We've got those reconquista idiots who want the American Southwest and may well set off a major war. We've got the criminals, heavily dependent on both human and drug traffic.

They aren't all the same group. One solution isn't going to solve all the problems. And only two of the groups I listed are interested in assimilating and becoming PART of America.

Unfortunately, as things stand right now looking the other way for those illegals who only want a chance will only guarantee that we have all the others who we don't want here. It's more than economics. our compassion has set us up so that the "bad" illegals can take advantage of us.

Rush Limbaugh is right about two things in this particular debate. The protests with the Mexican flags made many Americans seriously mad, quite possibly mad enough to take direct action. And the Washington crowd is running in fear because they don't want to make "future voters" upset.

When we can't even use terms like "illegal" for fear that we may offend somebody, well, something is terribly wrong.

Your freedom shouldn't cost me mine. That is what it comes down to.

Our immigration problem is as much the fault of the Mexican voters as it is American compassion. The corrupt, socialist governments over decades have stolen more wealth from the Mexican people than illegal immigrants to American can ever hope to put back. Without real reform, wealth will always be restricted in Mexico.

Meanwhile, we know that handing out freed goodies just raises the demand for goodies. We know that even with the best intentions, government doesn't do well in "taking care of people." We know that regulation destroys innovation and capital. We know that markets never respond favorably to government control. We know that when the chips are down, government either won't be there or can't deliver.

But wealth creation just works.

Give me a solution that doesn't raise the crime rate. Give me a solution that means that Mexico in a few years won't have to send it's people across the border illegally just to prop up it's economy.

That is when I know someone is serious about "immigration reform."

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - April 6, 2006 at 04:28 AM  Tag

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