Why people with nontraditional faiths in the U.S. spend a lot of time looking over their shoulder

An Indianapolis judge made a provision in a divorce decree that neither parent could expose their son to Wicca

It's something like this that makes me wonder about a huge Judeo-Christian conspiracy.

No judge has the power to dictate another's faith. Period.

Parents have every right to teach their children about the religion they practice. Unless someone can show direct harm to the child, this judge really overstepped his bounds. It ranks right up there with a Baptist judge telling a Catholic that they can't teach their children about Catholicism.

I'd argue that I could show greater harm from circumcision than from Wicca.

The fact is, neither parent asked for that provision. Both objected to it. The judge took it upon himself to do it.

I'm going to go cool off now.

Hat tip to Wren's Nest.

UPDATE: Radley Balko at TheAgitator.com picked up the story, so it should make the rounds of the libertarian blog circuit.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - May 26, 2005 at 07:59 AM  Tag

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